Look around your office or house or walk through a furniture
store. Spend some time in the contemporary section and you will see how
hydroforming is used to create furniture.
Stools: Look at the bar stool section of the furniture store. The
bottom part is usually a round disk and a tube. If you look closely at the
round disk you will notice it looks like one piece, and it is. Sheet
hydroforming was used where a sheet of metal was placed into a die and liquid
was pressurized to bend the metal into the perfect shape for the base of a
barstool. What is great is no matter how many bar stools you purchase, that
base can be the same since with hydroforming a multitude of bases can be made
that are all identical.

Table and Chair Legs
Table and Chair Legs: Do you see any table and chair legs that are
metal, yet they are not just a round tube? Those were probably created with
tube hydroforming where a tube of metal was placed into a die and liquid was
pressurized inside the tube to stretch it to create that uniquely shaped table
or chair leg. If you see a table or chair leg that has more than one curve,
then imagine trying to create that with your hands and tools and then creating
identical copies. That can only happen with tube hydroforming.
Parts: On some of your furniture there might be metal braces or small metal legs. Those are all probably created with hydroforming which is used to create many identical pieces.
Hydroforming and Furniture
Hydroforming is a process that creates furniture pieces that are strong and durable. There are no welds to break apart or snag a person’s clothes. The lack of welds and tool marks creates a shiny and smooth finish that complements any house decor.
If you would like to learn more about hydroforming, please contact us.
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