Tube Hydroforming Updates: News Snippets from Around the Web

Beginning in the 1970’s, the process of tube hydroforming has met the increasing demand for the manufacture of simple, lightweight components. Over the next few decades, this process has developed to maximize strengths and eliminate weaknesses.

Recent innovations are aimed to improve competitiveness of hydroforming technology by reducing initial investment cost, increasing production rate, and material utilization, consolidating more parts into single parts, and finding ways to eliminate drawbacks, such as excessive thinning (Journal of Materials Processing Technology).

Due largely to these specific developments, hydroformed tubes are making headlines across the web. Check out these recent stories.

Tube Hydroforming Updates: News Snippets from Around the Web 

TRS Launches New Range of Presses

Stamping, hydroforming, and deep drawing are all made possible with the new range of presses from TRS Engineering Services’ TechModern. The floor-mounted presses are touted as being easily transported to different destinations, and due to various developments, are said to produce higher-quality products at lower costs. How these new presses will perform over the long haul still remains to be seen.

tube hydroforming

Cannondale Slate Force CX1 Earns Positive Review

Writing for CyclingTips, reviewer Matt Wikstrom reviewed Cannondale’s newest road bike. In his review, he is quite to note that the strength and durability of the bike’s frame are down to hydroforming techniques, including tube hydroforming.

AutoForm Hydro 2016 Released for Springback Compensation

Tech firm AutoForm Engineering GmbH recently released its latest hydroforming software, AutoForm Hydro 2016. Known to carry various enhancements, it’s perhaps most anticipated due to its direct impact on tube hydroforming: “AutoForm Hydro is AutoForm’s state-of-the-art solution for rapid tool design for tube hydroforming processes as well as for the simulation of these processes.” We look forward to seeing how this new technology will move the industry forward in the days to come.

Remember that here at American Hydroformers, we offer complete assembly level fabrication of automotive structures, industrial laser cutting and stencil work, and well as tube forming. For more information on our services, please feel free to contact us. We look forward to working with you.

The post Tube Hydroforming Updates: News Snippets from Around the Web appeared first on American Hydroformers.

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