Why Convert VHS to DVD? Six Reasons


VHS to DVD? Although VCRs remain relatively common and they’re compatible with many modern TVs, conversion to DVD offers a number of advantages. Your video recordings will become more accessible, convenient, compact and easy to share with others.

Size, Weight

In comparison to tapes, discs are small and lightweight. This makes them easy to carry and ship. Fewer packaging materials are needed for mailing. Unlike VHS, they can’t be harmed by magnetic fields during the shipping process.

The smaller size of a DVD saves a substantial amount of storage space. If you want to keep a backup copy while conserving space, you could create two DVD copies of each tape and dispose of the original VHS afterward.


It’s easy to enhance the look of a disc with attractive labels that cover the entire upper surface. This type of recording media also has a more modern appearance than thick, rectangular tapes; it enhances the look of your video collection.



You generally need a TV set and VCR to watch VHS recordings. On the other hand, numerous devices can play discs. They include many computers and stand-alone portable players. This lets you watch the videos almost anywhere, and there’s no need to rewind.


If you want to share recordings with friends, relatives or customers, it’s important to realize that many more people have DVD players than VCRs at present. Even if you prefer VHS, the equipment and tapes won’t last forever. Future TVs may not be compatible.


Blank discs currently cost far less than equivalent tapes, especially when you purchase a large package of them. If you want to duplicate a home video or an infomercial for your business, DVD copies represent a far more economical option.

Do you find these benefits appealing? If so, please contact us to learn about our professional conversion services. We offer high-quality VHS tape transfers to DVD at competitive prices.

The post Why Convert VHS to DVD? Six Reasons appeared first on Advanced Media Integration.

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