Preserving Your Memories in the Digital Age


A picture is worth a thousand words, but only if you don’t lose the photo. There are so many ways we can lose our cherished memories. Fire, water damage, damage from the sun, or simply misplacing them over time will leave you without precious memories of your adventures and your loved ones. If you are lucky enough to keep them in good condition splitting up old photos between siblings means everyone loses. Wouldn’t it be better if everyone in the family could have a copy?

The world has gone digital, and you probably have too. The problem is that you also have a big backlog of media from the old days, and you don’t want to lose any of it.  So what do you do? You can try to capture old prints using your current digital camera, but that’s tricky and you usually lose quality or distort the photos. You could scan old photos in at home, but only if you have a good scanner and an abundance of time.


You can have us scan in all your old 35mm slides and photos and return them to you in a high-quality digital format. Then you can share these old memories with your friends and family online, upload them to safe cloud storage, or post them on Facebook and Instagram every throwback Thursday. Having your photos in digital format not only makes backing them up and sharing easier, it also takes up significantly less space than albums and boxes full of old media.

Don’t wait until it’s too late. Contact us to preserve your family history today!

About Advanced Media Integration

Since 1976, Advanced Media Integration has established itself as an expert in multimedia production, duplication, and replication. With specializations in Short-Run CD, DVD, and Blu-Ray Duplication, as well as Replication services, Advanced Media Integration has an answer for all of your multimedia requirements. Additionally, Advanced Media Integration provides Video Production services including Production, Editing, Script/Technical Writing, and DVD Authoring. Additional services include Product Photography, Graphic Design, Audio and Video Restoration, and Video, Film, and Photo Conversions/Transfers. For more information regarding our services, contact one of our sales representatives.

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