The Importance of Camera Movement in Video Production

video production

Pre-production is a crucial step in video production because it is the time when you begin to visualize how your project will look. One of the most important aspects to consider is how you are going to move the camera during production. Using a static, or stationary camera is okay for some shots, but can easily be overused. You want to use camera movement because it keeps the audience engaged, and it also allows you much more creative control over the atmosphere of your video. Moving the camera brings your project to life. 

1.) Tracking Shots

Using a tracking shot can help open up a space on camera. If you are in a closed area, like a room, having the camera on wheels or a slider/track can open the space up by not confining the audience to a static shot. It also helps build atmosphere by allowing you to control what the audience sees and how they see it.

video production

2.) Handheld Shots

Handheld camera movement adds realism to your project; it is similar to the style used in documentaries, which in turn brings the audience closer to the action you are presenting. It gives the video a gritty, realistic look. If you want to use handheld, but don’t necessarily want the gritty feel, you can also use a piece of equipment called a camera stabilizer. This allows you total freedom of where you bring the camera, and it takes away the roughness by smoothing out all the camera’s movement. This is a good tool to use especially when you want a dreamlike atmosphere.

3.) Point-of-View Shots

Another kind of camera movement you can use is a point-of-view shot. This type of shot is from the perspective of a character; we see what the character sees. This type of shot isn’t used all too often, but if you are looking to get creative and experimental with your project this could be a viable option.

video production

These are just some of the different ways you can move your camera. Another type of camera movement you can use is a crane shot to establish a location, and bring the audience directly into the scene. This is not to say to completely abandon the static tripod shot, but to use a variety of camera movements in order to keep your audience engaged. Every shot has its place in a project, it is just a matter of how and when you use them.

For more information, and to see how we can help you with your video production needs, please contact us.

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