Marketing: How Social Media Brings Customers to You!


The ultimate goal of any business is to draw in as many consumers as possible. With the advent of social media platforms on the internet, and most especially memes, bringing people into the fold has become a lot easier than before. Instead of spending a lot of money on a commercial for television or an ad in the newspaper, businesses have found social media to be much more cost effective as well as more efficient.

Social media works by making businesses more available to the public. On social media sites such as Facebook, customers are able to contact businesses directly through their Facebook pages and state what their issue is with a product and so on. Pinterest improves upon the word-of-mouth method in advertising by also making it visual; consumers share success stories and images that are often linked to their blogs or Facebook pages, thus allowing more and more people to see what benefit your company brings to the world! YouTube videos are also widely viewed and are a great way to allow people to see what is going on at your business.


Businesses everywhere have incorporated social media marketing for the sake of growing their name and making themselves known to as many people as possible. It doesn’t matter what type of business it is; the consumer base is out there and on the internet. Even writers and illustrators have used social media sites such as DeviantArt, Tumblr, Reddit, and more to get their products out there and sold. Social media marketing, when used appropriately, provides businesses with an award-winning strategy for success.

It is a good and wise idea to utilize as many social media platforms as possible in order to reach as wide a community as possible. Many folks are on multiple social media sites; therefore, it is crucial to be on those same sites. This is why companies have started hiring teams of people to be constantly on social media and getting the word out about their company. Whether it is tweeting an update on a new product or posting a thought piece about a news story in the area, using social media makes it possible for businesses to relate well to their customers.

Social media is also a great way to invite people to events that a business is doing. Since social media reaches lots of people on a daily basis, posting an invite to an event is a great way to draw in a crowd to any event, be it a ComiCon weekend in a major city, or a small booth at a local mall. Social media draws in the inbound traffic to you!


The best way to use social media is often in the form of creating memes. Memes are graphics with funny caption that make people laugh or truthful captions that make them think (or better yet, make them both laugh and think!). A picture is worth a thousand words, as these memes prove. Even images that aren’t related to a business can be made relatable and draw a crowd with a well designed caption, as long as it is in good taste.

In short, social media marketing is an asset to any business for its remarkable ability to bring in crowds of customers and advertise what a business can do for the public. It is a worthwhile adventure to take on social media in a business sense. All it takes is a great idea and a team of dedicated people to bring social media into the fold. You’d be surprised at just how quickly customers from all over will come to you for business.

The post Marketing: How Social Media Brings Customers to You! appeared first on Advanced Media Integration.

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