How 8mm Film Transfers Help Preserve the Past

8mm Film Transfers

How can 8mm film transfers help preserve the past? Technology has changed over the years. For decades and decades, the main way to capture home video was through 8mm film. Many of us still have old canisters of 8mm around the house, but with the changing times have no way of watching them. It is difficult to find a projector that can play those old film reels. Today, film is sometimes considered a relic of the past, but what was captured on that film doesn’t have to be. That is where we come in.

8mm Film Transfers

We offer 8mm film transfers to DVDs so that you may watch those old reels any time you want. This is important for a few reasons, but the most important reason is to make sure that the footage is preserved. Often, old film reels can deteriorate with time and with improper storage. Improperly stored film reels experience the effects of temperature, moisture, and other factors. Sometimes, even if properly stored, time gets the best of it anyway. In any case, this is the last thing we want to happen. So many memories and important moments are caught on those film reels, and we want to enjoy them for many, many more years.

By getting your old 8mm film reels transferred to DVD you ensure that you and future generations will be able to enjoy them for years. It is the best way to preserve the past.

8mm Film Transfers

We here at Advanced Media Integration care about your footage. We make sure that your film is handled with great care and that the product is top quality. When you choose us for your project, whatever it may be, you can expect an experienced staff who is committed to excellence.  You will find your footage has new life breathed into it. Let us help you preserve those old reels for generations to come.

Advanced Media Integration

Advanced Media Integration is your complete source for multimedia production, duplication, and replication. Serving businesses throughout the U.S. and internationally, we offer the highest quality Blu-ray, DVD, and CD replication and duplication services available. Additionally, we provide Video Production services for sales and marketing videos as well as instructional and training programs. Our Video Production services include Production, Editing, Script/Technical Writing, and DVD Authoring. Additional services include Product Photography, Graphic Design, Audio and Video Restoration, and Video, Film, and Photo Conversions/Transfers.

To see how we can help you with your 8mm film transfers, or any other project you may have, please contact us. 

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