Current CAFE Standards Help Save Money All Around

CAFE Standards Help Save Money All Around. Much has been written in recent days about the state of the U.S. economy. While we are certainly not a poor nation, if we compare ourselves now to ourselves in days gone by, we’re not doing as well as we have in the past.

According to Financial Timesalthough things are picking up, the economy continues to under perform.

[Gross] domestic product is sluggish, productivity growth is down and, though wages are ticking up, incomes have hardly budged.

But our situation is not hopeless. 

Fortunately, the hydroforming industry is doing its part to help other industries deal with the current economic climate, especially in the wake of the new CAFE standards enacted in 2014. These standards have helped save money all around.

The Department of Transportation enacted these new standards to increase the fuel economy of America’s fleet of automobiles, both passenger and commercial. Since fuel economy is directly related to a vehicle’s overall mass, and hydroforming has gone a long way toward bringing down the weight of automotive frames, our industry can rightly share some of the credit in ensuring that these standards are met.

And when CAFE standards are met, everyone wins.


When these standards are raised, automakers respond by creating a more fuel-efficient fleet, which improves our nation’s energy security and saves consumers money at the pump, while also reducing greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions (U.S. DOT).

Here at American Hydroformers, we are committed to providing top-quality service at affordable rates. We’re proud to say that for over a decade, we’ve been making a name for ourselves as the Midwest’s most reliable hydroforming company; however, we do not limit ourselves to serving only our own region.

If you have questions or comments about our services, please free to contact us for more information. We look forward to serving you.

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