Tube Hydroforming Simplifies Production and Lowers Costs

It’s no secret that tube hydroforming simplifies production and lowers production costs for a wide variety of products. At least, it’s no secret to those who work in the industry. For those in need of practical examples, read on.

Tube Hydroforming Simplifies Production

Makers of the 2017 Audi Q5 cite hydroforming techniques as one of the four steps that make their rear cradle arms so effective.

“These shaped tubes are expanded during hydroforming and include in-die hole punching, all while maintaining very tight tolerances. Our process for high-pressure hydroforming delivers the specified final surface characteristics to ensure that a flawless final assembly is achieved.” (Cision)

Along with bending, pre-forming, and laser cutting, tube hydroforming contributes to the simplicity both of the design and production.

Tube Hydroforming

Tube Hydroforming Lowers Costs

According to Engineering Materials, powertrain tubular assemblies reduce a vehicle’s overall chassis weight without any performance loss. Apparently, chassis weight isn’t the only reduction that results from tubular hydroforming. Analysis shows a significant drop in cost as well.

The result is an approximate 45% reduction in tooling and investment cost, with the part cost reduced by approximately 12% (excluding scrap return, plant overhead and tooling amortisation).

Lighter, more efficient machines at lower rates of investment? That is right. And it is all thanks to tubular hydroforming.

We Can Help

Here at American Hydroformers, we are in the business of helping you meet your production goals–whether that involves tube hydroforming or any other variety. To hear more about our services, or to request a quote, please feel free to contact us at any time.

Our trained technicians are standing by, and we look forward to working with you.

About American Hydroformers

Founded in 2003, American Hydroformers specializes in the tube hydroforming manufacturing process. Production capabilities include numerous metal forming techniques such as hydroforming, hydraulic press work, metal stamping, and tube forming. In addition to hydroformed components, American Hydroformers offers complete assembly level fabrication of automotive structures, robotic welding, and both industrial laser and plasma cutting.

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