Eyes on Fujitsu Laboratories for High-temperature Developments

As supply and demand continually fluctuate in any given industry, the global markets are constantly adjusting to keep pace. In order to meet demands in a timely manner, laboratory scientists and technicians are always coming up with new methods and strategies to increase the quality and quantity of their supply.

For just one example of this process in action, we turn to Fujitsu Laboratories in Japan. In an effort to meet a need in the automotive industry — specifically, the need to supply functional onboard power modules — this particular lab is credited with a high-temperature breakthrough.

Fujitsu Laboratories has now developed a process for manufacturing carbon nanotubes, a material known for its high thermal conductivity in a cylindrical structure, and in which the combination of process temperature and pressure is precisely controlled to grow dense, uniform arrays of perpendicularly oriented carbon nanotubes. In order to be used for removing heat from SiC power modules, Fujitsu Laboratories has also developed a sheet-forming technology (IConnect007).

Fujitsu Laboratories

The good news is that this new technique will benefit more than just this particular lab. As this development spreads and its applications become more broadly realized, the entire industry will benefit.

Here at American Hydroformers, we always have our ear to the ground for developments in the world of hydroforming, from high-temperature metal gas forming to friction stir welding to metal stamping. Not only do we seek to keep ahead of the trends, but we also want to ensure that the services we offer are up-to-date. In that way, we can position our clients to more effectively keep pace with global supply and demand.

If you have any questions about our services, or if you would like to chat with us about your particular hydroforming needs, please feel free to contact us at any time.

We look forward to working with you!

The post Eyes on Fujitsu Laboratories for High-temperature Developments appeared first on American Hydroformers.

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