Hydroforming: Moving Us into the Future

Every once in a while, a modern storyteller will encourage readers to consider how the would change if something in the past had shifted in a different direction. This genre is called Alternate History, and there are literally thousands of works on the market that explore these subjects.

Perhaps the most common themes in alternate history are “What if the Nazis won World War II?” and “What if the Confederacy won the American Civil War?” (Uchronia).

Alternate Histories are popular because they allow us to look through the present through different lenses, imagining how different our lives might be if history had played out differently. Who knows what sort of Alternate Histories the writers of future books will consider important to explore.

We recently blogged about what a world without hydroforming might look like. Automobiles would be less safe and more expensive. The world would have fewer eco-friendly products. We could even argue that the entire worlds would shift, since heavier cars and trucks consuming more fossil fuels (and using less green energy) would drive up prices and further damage the environment.


Fortunately, this Alternate History is still an Alternate Future — and an unlikely one, at that. The hydroforming industry is currently alive and well, and all of us can benefit from the way in which it is advancing us into the future.

Here at American Hydroformers, we’re proud to offer expert hydroforming at affordable rates. Located in the heart of the Midwest, we are easily accessible by all major freight lanes. We not only form hydroformed components, but we also offer complete assembly level fabrication of automotive structures, industrial laser cutting and stencil work, as well as tube forming. If you have questions or comments about our services, please feel free to contact us. We look forward to working with you.

The post Hydroforming: Moving Us into the Future appeared first on American Hydroformers.

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