American Hydroformers: Weighing in on Current CAFE Standards

Over the course of the last year, potential changes to federal regulations for automotive production in the United States have sent ripples through the auto industry. After months of speculation and media buzz, the first official step came over the summer of 2017.

The Environmental Protection Agency and the Transportation Department have opened the public comment period on the rewriting of standards for greenhouse gas emissions for cars and light trucks for model years 2022-2025 (NPR).

The current standards, which were last updated in 2012, seek to lower emissions and lighten vehicle weight in efforts to spare the environment and reduce fuel consumption. Overall, the industry has made great strides to accomplish both. With the current CAFE standards up for review, however, some people fear that a rollback could lead to potential problems. Others, claiming that the high expense of complying with Obama-era standards make production cost-prohibitive, applaud the potential changes.

No matter where automakers rest along the debate continuum, they must either comply with CAFE standards or risk facing a stiff penalty–although, according to recent reports, those penalties are now also under review.

CAFE Standards

Here at American Hydroformers, we are in the business of providing U.S. automakers with the parts they need both to meet CAFE standards and to produce some of the world’s best cars and trucks.

If you would like to hear more about our services or in hearing a specific quote, we would be happy to help at any time. Feel free to contact us at your convenience. We look forward to hearing from you.

About American Hydroformers

Founded in 2003, American Hydroformers specializes in the tube hydroforming manufacturing process. Production capabilities include numerous metal forming techniques such as hydroforming, hydraulic press work, metal stamping, and tube forming. In addition to hydroformed components, American Hydroformers offers complete assembly level fabrication of automotive structures, robotic welding, and both industrial laser and plasma cutting.

The post American Hydroformers: Weighing in on Current CAFE Standards appeared first on American Hydroformers.

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